The Space


The Space


Created by myself and 2 other talent animators in collaboration with Port Discovery children’s museum. We wanted this short to focus on the creatures that live in the deep while also creating something unique for the museums exhibit.

Due to reworking to meet Port Discovery’s expectations, we really only had 4 weeks to animate. We came up with a plan to make loop animations of the creatures swimming; levitating some of the animation process and improving our time management.

To make things easier to manage we agreed to cut the film into 3 parts, one for each of us. Once our parts were done we went back to animate fish, color backgrounds, or additional editing.

The Space Below characters were a collaborative effort as we made changes a few times to fit the needs of the museum. The Captain was primarily my design as I wanted him to seem more stoic and mysterious. The Merman was originally much more angled but we rounded the design to seem more friendly and I added the pink sweatpants as an extra measure.